Categories: Liposuction

Submental Liposuction: Liposuction of the neck and liposuction of the chin

Some of us have a double chin due to genetics. Some people just have a double chin when they look down, which is more apparent during a telephone-video chat session. Unfortunately, the extra fat in the neck and chin area make people look overweight and older. The neck is difficult to hide with clothes unless you live in a very cold climate. Fortunately, liposuction of the chin is a simple fix for this problem.

The process of neck and chin area skin tightening

Surgery requires just one small 2mm incision under the chin that hides very well. Over fifty percent of people have a scar in this area from a childhood fall anyway. Good candidates for surgery have extra fat below the chin and still have healthy skin. Liposuction of the chin and neck causes your body to form collagen, thereby tightening the skin, and creating a modest lift. Patients with loose skin may not get enough of a lift from liposuction alone, and would require a neck lift. Patients with very small chins can benefit from chin augmentation with a chin implant. These procedures can be combined to create a very well-defined neck and jawline, and a more youthful appearance.

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Recovery from double chin removal

  • During the recovery, you will need a garment that wraps around the chin and the top of the head. This is worn all the time for the first week after surgery to help with the swelling and improve the way the skin re-drapes to create a neck lift.
  • After the first week, the garment will be worn at night or when you are at home, and not in public.
  • It is preferred that one sleeps without a pillow to keep the head in full extension for the first week after surgery.
  • There is minimal discomfort after liposuction in the chin.

Neck Lift / Chin Liposuction

Before and After Photos

Dr. Dennis Dass is a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who specializes in liposuction and neck lift surgery. Call to make an appointment today.

Dr. Dennis Dass

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