Breast Enhancement Beverly Hills
Breast enhancement surgery is performed to help improve the overall appearance of your breasts.
Breast Augmentation
Breast implants are used to enlarge the size of the breasts. Breast augmentation is the most common aesthetic surgical procedure performed by plastic surgeons. Most women love the way they look after surgery and say that the surgery really improves their self-esteem. The satisfaction rate from breast augmentation is very high, more than 90% of women are happy they had the surgery and would have it again.
Breast Lift or Mastopexy
After pregnancy or weight loss, the breasts may appear deflated. The breast skin is stretched and now the nipple is in a less desirable position. A breast lift is designed to reposition the breast tissue and the nipple back to a more youthful position. If a significant amount of volume has been lost, an implant may be required to get the desired look.
Revision Breast Augmentation
This surgery is performed for patients who have previously undergone breast augmentation but are not happy with the results due to implant related complications. Complications that can be corrected include; implant replacement, implant rupture, malposition, asymmetry, symmastia, and ptosis. This surgery can be quite complex depending on your specific problem. The surgery often takes longer and may require additional materials with added expense. For example, you may require Strattice, which is an acellular dermal matrix, used to create an internal brassiere to improve support for the implant. During your consultation, we will discuss your specific desires and your surgical options.
Breast Reduction
This surgery is performed to reduce the overall size of your breasts. Approximately 130,000 breast reductions were performed by plastic surgeons in 2010. Patients with very large breasts often have difficulty finding appropriately fitting brassieres and clothes, and may be troubled by embarrassment in the workplace. Many with large breasts find that it hinders their ability to exercise. Breast reduction surgery has a high patient satisfaction rate.
Recovery from Breast Enhancement
Everyone is different, but you can expect the recovery time to be about 2 weeks. After surgery, we recommend that you begin walking the same day to reduce your risk of complications. Light cardio exercises may be resumed after about 2 weeks, and strenuous exercise and lifting may be resumed after about 4 weeks. You may need to wear a post-surgical garment to maintain the position of your breasts for about 6 weeks after the operation.
Breast enhancement is real surgery and carries a small risk of complications. Risks of surgery include bleeding, infection, scars, fluid collections, and asymmetry. Implant related complications include implant failure or rupture, implant exposure, malposition, and capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the formation of firm scar tissue around the implant resulting in asymmetry, implant deformation, visibility of the implant, and pain in very severe cases. Dr. Dass performs surgery in an accredited surgical facility to maintain the highest standards for safety. During your consultation, we will discuss your specific risks of surgery.
Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dass to determine if you are a good candidate for a breast enhancement surgery.