Categories: Liposuction

Chin Liposuction Beverly Hills

Liposuction of the chin is a most common procedure to improve the lower jaw contour and improve the chin/neck angle, ie to improve the double chin and or lack of a chin. Dr. Dass uses microcannulas to remove the fat under the chin, his meticulous technique results in a very beautiful and youthful contour.

Some of us have a double chin due to genetics. Some people just have a double chin when they look down, which is more apparent during a telephone-video chat session. Unfortunately, the extra fat in the neck and chin area, make people look overweight and older. The neck is difficult to hide with clothes unless you live in a very cold climate. Fortunately, liposuction of the chin is a simple fix for this problem.

The Procedure

Chin liposuction is usually performed under local anesthesia, and is a relatively quick and painless procedure. The procedure can also be performed under general anesthesia when combined with other procedures. The procedure requires just one small 2mm entry point under the chin that hides very well. Over fifty percent of people have scar in this area from a childhood fall anyway. Good candidates for surgery have extra fat below the chin and still have good quality skin. Liposuction of the chin and neck causes your body to form collagen, thereby tightening the skin, and creating a modest neck lift. Patients with loose skin may not get enough of a lift from liposuction alone, and would require a neck lift. Patients with very small chins can benefit from chin augmentation with a chin implant. These procedures can be combined to create a very well defined neck and jawline, and a more youthful appearance.


During the recovery, you will need a garment that wraps around the chin and the top of the head. This is worn all the time for the first week after surgery to help with the swelling and also improve the way the skin redrapes to create a neck lift. After the first week, the garment will be worn at night or when you are at home, and not in public. It is preferred that one sleeps without a pillow to keep the head in full extension for the first week after surgery. There is minimal discomfort after liposuction in the chin.

Chin Liposuction – Facial Rejuvenation by Liposuction 

Mini neck lift procedure
Mini neck lift procedure by Dr Dass in his Beverly Hills office. This is a quick procedure performed under local anesthesia, with very little down time. Watch the video to see how it is done.

Chin Liposuction procedure by Dr. Dass helps patients to get more enhanced results when combined with other procedures such as neck lift procedure. Watch the video to see how it is done.

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Chin Augmentation with Chin Implant

Before and After Photos

Related Procedures:

Chin Implant

Chin liposuction can be combined with chin augmentation with a chin implant to create an even more defined look, with an even better chin-neck angle. Chin implant come in various different sizes and shapes to give just the right shape and contour. An extended implant can also improve the appearance of jowling. Implants can be placed through an incision hidden inside the mouth, or through a small external incision that is hidden under the chin.

Mini-Neck Lift

Dr Dass often combines chin liposuction with laser skin tightening. This is done in the office under local anesthesia during the procedure. The laser energy is delivered on the inside, under the skin to stimulate extra collagen production, to improve skin tightening by 20%. With any skin laxity (ie loss of skin elasticity), Dr Dass always recommends laser skin tightening. Laser skin tightening can also be performed in the lower face using Precision Tx, to get skin tightening in the lower face. Additional skin tightening can be achieved by delivering laser energy to the outer surface of the skin using Picosure laser facial or CO2 laser resurfacing. This inside-out approach is quite powerful for a minimally invasive procedure, that does not create any significant scars.

Full Neck Lift

A full neck lift or facelift may be required in more severe cases of skin laxity. As the face ages, there can be significant soft tissue descent, muscle laxity and loss of skin elasticity, no amount of liposuction and laser skin tightening will produce a desirable neck contour, and a more invasive surgical intervention may be indicated to lift the tissue.

Dr. Dennis Dass

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