Categories: Liposuction

Is this a safe solution for San Diego?

Liposuction is a common, surgical technique used by plastic surgeons to remove stubborn deposits of excess fat. It is not a weight loss technique. Rather, liposuction compliments a healthy lifestyle of proper eating and exercise, with stunning results.

Not everyone is a good candidate for liposuction. However, good candidates for liposuction include patients that are:

  • Adults (over the age of 18)
  • In good health and do not have diabetes, heart disease, circulatory problems, or other serious health conditions
  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Have fat deposits in specific areas such as abdomen, hips, thighs, back, and upper arms that just don’t respond to diet and exercise.
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Tumescent fluid is always used during liposuction. Dr. Dass uses a super wet technique where fluid is infused into the tissue at a 1:1 ratio with the amount that he estimates will be suctioned out. Tumescent fluid is used to temporarily distend the tissue that is to be suctioned, allowing enough room for a liposuction cannula to remove the excess fat. An added benefit of the solution is that it contains epinephrine to reduce blood loss and post-operative bruising. In some cases, local anesthetic is used in the tumescent fluid to improve pain control.

Some cosmetic surgeons claim that “tumescent liposuction” is safer than standard liposuction because it does not require a general anesthetic. They are actually performing tumescent anesthesia for liposuction, because they are not able to offer surgery under general anesthesia. Tumescent anesthesia involves infusing 2-3x as much fluid (compared to a super wet technique) and high doses of the local anesthetic, lidocaine. Post-operative deaths are often due to lidocaine toxicity, which is administered by these inexperienced surgeons during tumescent anesthesia for liposuction. Liposuction of small areas can be safely performed without general anesthesia, but beware of surgeons offering treatment of large areas under tumescent (local) anesthesia alone. Remember, these days, general anesthesia is extremely safe and you will be monitored by an experienced anesthetist.

Dr. Dass practiced as a pharmacist before he became a plastic surgeon. He has the knowledge and experience to deliver safe surgery with excellent results for residents of the San Diego area. Call for a consultation, to find out how liposuction can enhance your look!

Dr. Dennis Dass

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