Dr. Dass has a customized procedure to help patients who’ve found their skin isn’t bouncing back after significant weight loss or the birth of a child. The tummy tuck, a plastic surgery procedure known scientifically as “abdominoplasty,” restores curves or helps patients who’ve never been confident about their physique.
You may be among those plagued by a paunch, despite rigorous exercise and excellent nutrition. A variation on the “traditional” tummy tuck may be recommended. The “mini tuck” targets the lower abdominal region between the tissues covering your pubic bones and your belly button. The procedure involves making a small incision between the hipbones, which allows Dr. Dass, to tighten the underlying muscles and remove excess skin. Liposuction techniques may remove fat for optimal results before the incision is closed.
A full tummy tuck involves making incisions to remove tissues between your belly button and pubic area, and tightening the fascia over the abdominal muscles with sutures. Unlike the mini alternative in which the belly button remains untouched, full abdominoplasty also repositions the skin around the belly button and brings it through a tiny incision that is then sutured back in its normal position. The hip-to-hip incision is closed, and the remaining scar is well-concealed along the natural crease in the bikini line. As with its mini counterpart, liposuction can be used to get desirable contours and remove excess.
All surgeries are performed at an accredited facility and only after a thorough consultation. Call (855) 496-4646 to schedule yours.
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